Puisi "Doa yang tertukar" yang ditulis oleh Fadli Zon pada beberapa waktu yang lalu semakin menuai polemik. Kali ini ribuan santri se-Kabupaten Bogor melakukan aksi bela kiai di Lapangan Tegar Beriman pada Jumat (15/02).
Bermula dari puisi yang diduga kuat menyudutkan ulama KH Maimoen Zubair, para santri pun mengungkapkan kekecewaannya terhadap politisi partai Gerindra yang menjadi tim sukses Prabowo-Sandi.
Acara yang digelar usai sholat jumat itu diisi dengan pembacaan shalawat dan hijb nasr oleh para kyai dan santri yang hadir. Tampak hadir para pimpinan Pondok Pesantren, antara lain KH. Romdhoni dari Yasina Cigombong, KH Ali Sibromalisi, KH. Ahmad Ikrom, KH Ade Eris dari Jonggol, KH. Amir, KH. Oman dan beberapa Kiai lain.
"Kami sebagai santri dan muhibbin Kiai merasa kecewa dan sakit hati ketika Mbah Moen disudutkan. Padahal para santri banyak pendukung pak Prabowo. Tapi karena puisi penghinaan itu kami pindah haluan," ujar Ustadz Rahmatullah Koordinator Aliansi Santri Bela Kiai (ASBAK).
Ia pun menambahkan, menistakan kiai sama dengan menghina para santri, padahal masyarakat Bogor mayoritas berlatarbelakang pesantren.
Bahkan salah seorang santri dari Babakan Madang menyebutkan, jika ada caleg yang menistakan kiai, jangan dipilih. Bahkan calon presiden yang ia dukung pun jangan dipilih.
"Jika ada capres yang tidak peduli dengan santri, maka jangan dipilih. Lebih baik memilih capres yang sudah jelas memberikan Hari Santri Nasional", imbuhnya.
Understanding Healthy Food for Teeth and Gums
Whatever They Told You About Healthy Food for Teeth and Gums Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why
If you see signals of loose teeth, then get in touch with your dentist promptly. In truth, it can be challenging to have healthy teeth without healthy gums. Provided that you continue to take care of your teeth and gums, you need to be in a position to delight at a lovely and much healthier smile for the remainder of your life.
It are supposed to last a very long time. It should be completely brushed at least once a day, preferably twice in a day. Dentists aren't very tricky to discover.
The Advantages of Healthy Food for Teeth and Gums
There are various requirements for teeth, based on their age. Getting conscious of just how to care for your teeth is an important part of living with Type I and Type II Diabetes. Dentists can help you in receiving good dental hygiene.
Nuts are another crunchy supply of fiber that could help remove food in the mouth which may lead to tooth decay and cavities. In the place of attempting to mask the issue with mints and gum, have an excellent look at your teeth and gums. While the tartar isn't formed right from the plaque it's in a place to stick more readily to teeth due to the occurrence of plaque.
This means you ought to discard the preceding brushes and toothpastes and select the new ones with more successful fluoride toothpastes so you can take far greater care of your own mouth. You are able to use salt water to rinse the mouth because it's a great cleansing agent and eliminates germs too. You could be lucky and have no teeth or chewing gum trouble.
If your dentist determines your mouth is healthy, you could be referred to your family physician or a specialist to work out the reason for poor breath. You also ought to see to everything you drink lots of water during the day because, as well as just having an general wholesome beverage, water can help to keep your mouth hydrated. Utilizing the incorrect technic to clean your teeth may possibly be an entire waste of time simple since the dental plaque isn't removed and germs can begin their destruction actions.
Moreover, parents must be aware of the teeth of the child are incredibly important and they require taking their children to pediatrics to acquire their teeth checked regularly. Whether your kid is a newborn or he's in the stage of losing his baby teeth and receiving his permanent teeth, you would like to do everything that you can to make sure that your kid's mouth receives a clean bill of health. Taking the opportunity to correctly take care of you teeth might not be a high priority. However, it ought to be.
Your mouth is in a bigger disease risk without the ideal sum of saliva. Some gum diseases will cause many huge problem within the body so that it's quite important to take care of gums diseases. A adequate quantity of saliva in the mouth might help overcome food particles which might otherwise adhere to the teeth and begin causing damage which may lead to tooth decay.
Great healthier diet will help in preventing inflammation of the gums. Bleeding gums is the effect of unhealthy dental habits, including when food particles left from the teeth aren't cleaned, as well as the teeth aren't brushed or flossed. Yes, it's a fact that ice cream eating after tooth extraction features relief to pain and numbness after your tooth removal.
The War Against Healthy Food for Teeth and Gums
Milk and milk contain large quantity of calcium and can be quite helpful for the development of teeth. Excessive consumption of foods full of carbohydrates, sugar and starches can cause accumulation of plaque, thereby causing damaging tooth enamel. In reality, all starchy foods such as bread, noodles and potatoes include elevated levels of sugar.
Healthful saliva is created by eating healthful foods, particularly foods full of fiber. You don't need to completely avoid contaminated foods, but understanding which foods are acidic can help you take charge of your portions. It's great to reduce candy and sugary foods and beverages, but nonetheless, there are quite lots of super foods that you will eat to create a much healthier smile, prevent gum disease and tooth decay.
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