Seorang sopir Grab ini menjadi viral karena aksi menurunkan penumpang di pinggir jalan. Hal itu ia lakukan karena diketahui penumpangnya adalah pendukung Capres nomor 01 yang tak lain adalah Jokowi.
Aksi yang ia lakukan menjadi viral di sosila media saat seorang wanita yang bercerita mengenai kronologi kejadian ini di akun Twitter, @iimiomwaka.
Wanita yang namanya disamarkan tersebut awalnya memesan Grab Car dan menuju ke acara Alumni Orange Wanita Semanggi Atmajaya di Plasa Festival, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Sabtu (23/02/2019) akhir pekan lalu.
Tapi bukannya diantar sampai tujuan, wanita ini justru diturunkan di pinggir jalan oleh sang sopir hanya karena beda pilihan capres.
Diusir karena memakai baju yang ada gambar Jokowi-Ma'ruf
Dilansir dari penumpang Grab Car tersebut merupakan alumni Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya (FIB) Universitas Indonesia (UI). Dari unggahannya di Twitter, wanita ini mengungkapkan kekesalannya dengan menuliskan, "Saya diusir dari Grab B1771 UZZ hanya karena saya mengenakan baju alumni orange Semanggi Atmajaya Jokowi-Amin."
Menurut penuturannya, pengemudi ini juga tidak akan menjemput jika tahu penumpangnya adalah pendukung Jokowi.
Sopir Grab dinilai tidak profesional dengan pekerjaannya
Akun yang membuat berita tersebut menjadi viral setelah menuangkan kekesalannya di sosial media. Ia menganggap sopir Grab tidak profesional. Tidak seharusnya urusan politik disangkut pautkan dengan pekerjaan. Apalagi jika harus menurunkan penumpang di pinggir jalan.
Pengamat transportasi dari Universitas Katolik (Unika) Soegijapranata Semarang Djoko Setijowarno juga sangat menyayangkan atas kejadian tersebut.
"Aplikator pun harus (bersikap) netral (dari politik)," ujar Djoko kepada media, pada hari Senin tanggal 25 Februari 2019.
Sopir Grab langsung dinonaktifkan
Akibat insiden tersebut, sopir Grab yang bernama Anjar Mujiono ini sudah dinonaktifkan oleh pihak perusahaan. Hal itu dikonfirmasi langsung melalui akun Twitter resmi Grab Indonesia @GrabID, pada Senin (25/2/2019).
"Halo, Kami telah menonaktifkan mitra pengemudi yang bersangkutan dari platform kami untuk melakukan klarifikasi lebih lanjut dan pelatihan ulang agar kejadian serupa tidak terulang di kemudian hari. Kami juga memberi informasi terkini kepada penumpang. Terima kasih," tulis akun @grabID.
Aksi sopir Grab yang menurunkan seorang penumpang hanya karena pakaian yang bergambar Jokowi-Ma'ruf sempat menjadi perbincangan. Banyak pihak yang menyayangkan insiden tersebut. Pasalnya memang tidak seharusnya urusan politik dicampuradukkan dengan profesionalitas kerja. Jangan hanya karena beda pilihan politik kita jadi memandang orang sebelah mata.
The Never Before Told Story on Car Accident Lawyer You Really Need to Read or Be Left Out
In case you or your nearest and dearest need an collision lawyer, you'll require the professional services of not only any lawyer, but a capable and skilled attorney. An auto accident attorney should also demonstrate they can try personal injury cases in court. You have to find the most suitable automobile crash lawyer to speak for your own case.
The Ultimate Car Accident Lawyer Trick
Whether you have caused the mishap or you've endured kind one, the lawyers will be of amazing support to you. Even if you think that you're partially accountable for the incident, the critical point to bear in mind that you might qualify for recovery. Notwithstanding something as evident as a auto accident has a number of sections. If you've been hurt in a auto crash, you can want to seek the services of a Fall River car collision attorney. Once you've been in a car crash, you most likely have loads of questions. If you have been hurt in a auto accident and have chosen to sue you need an experienced personal injury attorney that can allow you to search for adequate payment for your injuries. When you're involved in a car crash, there are two things which you're going to be dealing with, one is that you're happy to recover once possible so that it's possible to return to your small business or work and the next issue is you will have a tendency to acquire a decent compensation from the individual who caused the event.
You will need to document everything connected to the incident. It's possible which you can manage a auto crash, the accidents that follow and the settlement with the opposing automobile owner all on your own, but there are many loopholes by which you might get tripped up on. Then best thing to do when you're involved with a car crash is to search for the specialist services of an experienced auto incident attorney. Experiencing a car crash isn't only painful but it may also set you in a traumatic condition due to legal battle. In the event that you or somebody who's very close to you get injured in an automobile accident and you're searching for an auto crash lawyer with the above-mentioned attributes, you can employ an automobile incident attorney of Bethune Law Company.
The mishap can happen in two ways, or you're the victim or you're the cause, regardless, it's important to have at hand among the greatest personal injury attorneys Brisbane to guide him throughout the procedure. In case you ever become involved with a automobile collision, you need to seek out the recommendation of an skilled and local Fall River car crash attorneys. After you're in a car crash you need to begin collecting information that illustrates the degree of your property damage. If you're involved in a car crash, your insurance will cover the damage. A substantial automobile accident could result in major medical bills.
A collision can occur on footpaths and roads, at home, office or office, and can result in significant injuries that may render you incapable of working for some moment. In the event that you become involved with a auto incident, if it's the truck, motorcycle or whichever, it's important that you be cautious of your rights and what you need to do in such circumstances so you have the coverage that you need without anyone taking advantage of you. In the unfortunate event you end up in a car crash, you might begin to wonder whether you have got legal rights. In case you have injured in a auto collision, then you should be aware of how it's important to go for an auto crash attorney to get reimbursement to your high medical bills and lost wages. If you were hurt in a auto collision, you most likely have a great deal of questions racing through your mind. When you become involved in a car crash, it's necessary that you employ a automobile collision lawyer that is as there are some laws which have been set for regulation of car accidents. In the event that you were involved in a severe automobile crash, the driver who's at fault is liable for your damages.
The Car Accident Lawyer Game
If you get in an crash, so as to come across adequate payment for your injuries you'll need to show in court the exact conditions of the episode. In case you or a loved one has been hurt in an collision, contact us now for a totally free consultation. If you've experienced a car accident as a result of third-party negligence, it's your legal right to call accident attorneys and receive a good amount of reimbursement for your losses. When you get hurt in a automobile accident due to someone's careless driving, you must always take legal help from a auto collision attorney.
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